Please say hi, comment if you want, suggest something, I'm all ears!~

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Okay, I have to voice my opinion again...lol. Again, don't take anything I say the wrong way. I've been reading so much on the CT school shooting, and watching news, and it's about all this crap how guns is the problem, we need more gun control, and watching people taking their guns to the police station to get $200 for their guns cause they are afraid they might kill someone.....REALLY!~ That gun is gonna go jump into someone's hands and make that person go kill someone???!~ WOW!~ Okay, well my opinion is this, THE GUN DIDN'T KILL those innocent kids/adults. No gun kills people, PEOPLE KILL other people!~ I was raised with guns, I've shot guns, HOWEVER, my daddy was very stern in explaining everything about them, including respecting the gun you are handling, and YOU DO NOT TAKE SOMEONE ElSES LIFE with that gun!~ I was taught that if you had a problem with someone you used words, NOT GUNS, and if it came to, well you kicked their asses. NOT GO GET A GUN AND KILL THEM!~ How many kids these days are taught to respect others, to CARE about others, and love them? And consequences of our actions....I was raised that if I did something wrong, there is punishment for that action?? hell yeah!~ I got my ass busted if I done something wrong. And respect, my daddy was all about respecting others, respecting others property, etc. And the big one, " RESPECT YOUR MOTHER", and if we didn't, Dad busted our mouth!~ Another example I wanna make is this, if someone was drinking in a car, and had his friend with him, and they were in an accident, and his friend got killed, did the car kill him??? NO!~ Same thing here!~ The car is not to blame, just as guns are not to blame!~ THE PEOPLE ARE TO BLAME!~ We all know no one respects others anymore, let alone someone elses property. It's all a big joke when people does something to someone else's property. it's not a game, it's called RESPECT people!~ kids should be taught this. To teach them compassion, respect, love and genuine care for others. What has happened to people?? Have we forgot what we were taught??? Has any of us that was taught this gone out and took another life?? NO! Guns are not the problem, guns are not gonna make people kill another person, guns are not gonna stop people from killing others. We need to stop looking at what was used, and start looking at WHO was using it. We need to start teaching what is right. I have thought about the "violent games", as this was also mentioned. I have thought about this, and believed maybe this is part of the problem too, but then I thought about it some more. NO, games can't make someone KILL someone else. I think violent games make a person less sensitive to the real world, but I think there should also be a limit to how much time they should be allowed to consumed their time in it. Layne is not allowed to have violent games, or play them. Call me stupid, but she is too young in my book to be allowed to see blood splatter across the tv screen when ya shoot someone. It's not what I want her to see at such a young age. I want her believing for a bit yet that the world is a good place, blood and guts can come later, just not right now. I don't know, maybe like I said before, I live in a bubble!~ But as long as I do, I will raise my daughter to cherish life, and the life of those around her, NOT TAKE it from them!~
Okay, I'm done making ppl mad. Hope everyone has a great day!~

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